Important Notes
  • Any profile name with more than one word will require “quotation marks” around the name to function properly
  • Any command prompting a response has a time limit of 2 minutes. Once it ends, you’ll need to run the command again.
  • Using a command without anything else (such as v.profile) will produce a help message. Help messages can also be viewed by using NAME, with NAME being the name of the command/set of commands you want to view (like roll).
  • If you run into problems, such as needing to change something on a profile, or a command not working, please ping Stone so she can help you!
  • Default Command: v.embrace
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name

Embrace (v.embrace) assigns the named role in for a colored username.

Name is the name of a role listed in #rules-and-more.

Example - Assigning yourself the Toreador role

v.embrace Toreador

Profiles are the custom method we use to track individual character information, like blood points and experience. Once a character is approved, a profile must be created for them before they can be used in scenes.

Because everyone needs to be using a profile for all of their characters, names are not case sensitive. This means no one would be able to have a character named ‘Caine’ and ‘caine’. Of course, full names such as “John Smith” and “John Grey” are considered different.

Note that all of the commands listed below are subcommands of profile. This means all of them will require v.profile or v.p before them to function.


Character names with more than one word will require “quotation marks” around to function properly.

  • Default Command: v.profile create
  • Alternate Name: v.p create
  • Parameters: None

Unlike other commands, this command requires nothing else to be added when using it. You will be asked for the information required. Please have your character description (found in #getting-started) copied so it can be pasted when prompted.

  • Default Command: v.profile show
  • Alternate Name: v.p show
  • Parameters Name

Show (v.p show) displays an already existing profile.

Name is the name of the character you’re wanting to view.

Example - Viewing John Smith’s profile

v.p show "John Smith"

  • Default Command: v.profile delete
  • Alternate Name: v.p delete
  • Parameters Name

Delete (v.p delete) deletes and existing profile you own. This is irreversible.

Name is the name of the character you’re wanting to delete.

Example - Deleting John Smith’s profile

v.p delete "John Smith"

  • Default Command: v.profile edit
  • Alternate Name: v.p edit
  • Parameters Field, Name, Value

Edit (v.p edit) displays an already existing profile.

Field is the part of the profile you want to edit. The only editable fields are the image (v.p edit img) and description (v.p edit desc).
Name is the name of the character you’re wanting to edit.
Value is what you’re going to be replacing the field’s current content with.

Example - Editing John Smith’s image

v.p edit img "John Smith"

What if I need to change something else?

Ping Stone if a different part (such as max willpower) needs to be changed and she’ll get it done for you!

Profile Type Change
  • Default Command: v.profile ghoul
  • Alternate Name: v.p ghoul
  • Parameters Name

Ghoul (v.p ghoul) makes a human profile a ghoul, tracking a small blood pool based on their Stamina.

Name is the name of the character you’re wanting to ghoul.

Example - Ghouling a profile for John Smith

v.p ghoul "John Smith"

  • Default Command: v.profile ghoul
  • Alternate Name: v.p ghoul
  • Parameters Name

The subcommand Embrace (not the utility command) (v.p embrace) makes a human or ghoul profile a vampire, tracking a full blood pool based on their generation.

Name is the name of the character you’re wanting to embrace.

Example - Embracing a profile for John Smith

v.p embrace "John Smith"

Resource Gain
  • Default Command: v.hunt
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount, Method

Hunt (v.hunt) adds the specified Amount of blood points to the named profile’s blood pool, and tracks the amount and Method in #hunting-log.

Example - Adding 3 BP to John Smith’s profile after hunting successfully Downtown

v.hunt "John Smith" 3 smooth talker downtown


A hunting roll must be made before blood points can be added. See the hunting page for more details.

  • Default Command: v.earn
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount, Reason

Earn (v.earn) adds the specified Amount of experience to the named profile’s total.

Example - Adding 2 XP to John Smith’s profile after participating in an event

v.earn "John Smith" 2 event reward

  • Default Command:
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount

Rest ( adds the specified Amount of willpower to the named profile’s current willpower total.

Example - Adding 1 WP to John Smith’s profile "John Smith" 1

Resource Spend
Spend (`v.spend`) allows for easy tracking of all three resources (blood points, willpower, and experience).

Note that all of the commands listed below are subcommands of spend. This means all of them will require v.spend before them to function.

Blood Points
  • Default Command: v.spend bp
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount, Reason

BP (v.spend bp) spends the Amount of the named profile’s blood points, recording the loss and reason for it in #expenditures.

Example - Spending 2 of John Smith’s blood points to increase his strength

v.spend bp "John Smith" 2 blood buffing strength to 3

  • Default Command: v.spend wp
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount, Reason

WP (v.spend wp) spends the Amount of the named profile’s willpower, recording the loss and reason for it in #expenditures.

Example - Spending 1 of John Smith’s willpower points on a hunting roll

v.spend wp "John Smith" 1 hunting downtown

  • Default Command: v.spend xp
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount, Reason

XP (v.spend wp) spends the Amount of the named profile’s experience, recording the loss and reason for it in #expenditures.

Example - Spending 3 of John Smith’s experience to take the first dot in Science

v.spend xp "John Smith" 3 increasing science to 1


All experience purchases must be approved before hand before they’re to be taken. See the request command for more.

Damage Tracking
Damage (`v.damge`) is how all of the health tracks on the bottom of each character profile are edited. Characters with the merit Huge Size will automatically have the additional level added as long as it's specified in the profile description.

Note that both of the commands listed below are subcommands of damage. This means all of them will require v.damage before them to function.

  • Default Command: v.damage take
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount, Type

Take (v.damage take) applies the Amount of damage of the given Type (bashing, lethal, or aggravated) to the named profile. Only one damage type can be applied at a time.

Example - John Smith taking 3 bashing damage

v.damage take "John Smith" 3 bashing

  • Default Command: v.damage heal
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name, Amount

Heal (v.damage heal) heals the Amount of damage of the named profile, starting with the lowest type taken if applicable.

Example - John Smith healing 1 level of damage

v.damage heal "John Smith" 1

  • Default Command: v.roll
  • Alternate Name: v.r
  • Parameters: Pool, Difficulty, Comment (OPTIONAL)

Roll (v.roll) is the standard rolling method for V20: a pool of dice against a set difficulty.

Pool is the amount of dice you’re rolling.
Difficulty is the difficulty of the roll.
Comment is to add text and conditions to the roll.

Example - Rolling a pool of 5 versus a difficulty of 6

v.roll 5 6


Conditions are words you can include in your comment to change how your roll is calculated.

The following conditions are currently supported. None of them are case sensitive:

  • Spec OR Specialty: Roll with a specialty (all 10s count as 2 successes)
    • Example: v.roll 5 6 spec | v.roll 5 6 specialty
  • Wp OR Willpower: Roll with willpower for an automatic success.
    • Example: v.roll 5 6 wp | v.roll 5 6 willpower
  • Auto AMOUNT: Add AMOUNT number of automatic successes to your roll.
    • Example: v.roll 5 6 auto 3
  • Double: Double the number of successes rolled.
    • Example: v.roll 5 6 double
  • Ignore: Ignore botches if one is rolled.
    • Example: v.roll 5 6 ignore
  • Ovr OR Override: Override the rule that subtracts 1s from successes rolled.
    • Example: v.roll 5 6 ovr

Conditions can be combined should it be necessary for the roll.

Example - Rolling with potence 2 and a boxing specialty

v.roll 5 6 spec boxing auto 2

Example - Rolling attack damage with potence 2

v.roll 3 6 punch auto 2 ignore

  • Default Command: v.init
  • Alternate Name: v.i
  • arameters: Rating, Comment (OPTIONAL)

Init (v.init) rolls initiative for old World of Darkness systems: a d10 + the value given.

Rating is your initiative rating. This is normally Dexterity + Wits, though other traits could be added depending upon the specific game.

Example - Rolling initiative with an initiative rating of 5

m.init 5

Custom Roll
  • Default Command:v.customRoll
  • Alternate Name:
  • Parameters: Amount, Faces, Comment (OPTIONAL)

customRoll (v.customRoll) allows for the rolling of dice that aren’t d10s against a given difficulty.

Amount is how many dice you want to roll.
Faces are how many faces/sides the dice have.

Example - Rolling 5d6: v.customRoll 5 6

Example - Rolling 1d20: 1 20

  • Default Command: v.repeat
  • Alternate Name:
  • Parameters: Times, Roll

Repeat (v.repeat) allows iterative rolling, that is: making the same roll more than once in a single command.

Times is how many times you want to make the roll.
Roll is the actual roll you’re making without the prefix. (v.)

Example - Rolling a pool of 6 dice with a difficulty of 7 four times

v.repeat 4 roll 6 7

Example - Rolling a pool of 5 dice with a difficulty of 4 with specialty twice 2 roll 5 4 spec

Example - Rolling 4d8 three times

v.repeat 3 customRoll 4 8

Group Initiative
Group initiatives are rolled differently, as each character will have a different name and rating. You must provide name and rating pairings equal to NUMBER for this command to function. The names and ratings must also follow that order, with nothing separating them.


Number is how many are in the group you are rolling for.
Name is the name of a character.
Ratingis the character’s initiative rating.

You are unable to add text comments to group initiatives because of how they are processed.

Example - rolling for a group of three characters, the first with a rating of 3, the second with a rating of 5, and the third with a rating of 4

v.repeat 3 init Brujah 3 Toreador 5 Ventrue 4

Scene Management
All scenes take place in a channel created specifically for it, and are archived once they end for ease of reference.

The start and end commands are completely separate from one another. This means that, if for some reason the channel doesn’t end up in the correct category, it can be moved freely to the right spot.

Note that both of the commands listed below are subcommands of scene. This means all of them will require v.scene before them to function.

  • Default Command: v.scene start
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name

Start (v.scene start) creates a channel by the Name given, and asks the user for both a location (Downtown, Inner City, Hollywood, Outskirts) and description. Descriptions should include the date and time of the scene at bare minimum.

Example - Creating a scene titled ‘New in Town’

v.scene start new in town

  • Default Command: v.scene end
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name

End (v.scene end) takes all of the messages inside the scene channel and puts them into the location’s respective archive channel. The link outputted is to be used to record the scene in the #scene-log for ease of reference later.

While a scene is being archived, all pings will give a new alert. They intentionally haven’t been stripped from messages to allow for them to be easily distinguishable.

Example - Creating a scene titled ‘New in Town’

v.scene start new in town

Mod Mail
Mail allows you to send certain types of messages directly to the Storyteller and assistants.

Both of the commands below must be used directly in Caine’s DMs to function. Sending them in the server, such as in #bot-spam, won’t work.

Additionally, both of the commands listed below are subcommands of mail. This means all of them will require v.mail before them to function.

  • Default Command: v.mail update
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Request

Update (v.mail update) sends the given experience expenditure Request to the Storytellers for approval. If approved, you’ll then be able to spend experience as seen under v.spend xp.

Scene Request
  • Default Command: v.mail request
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Request

Request (v.mail request) sends the given scene Request to the Storytellers. If it’s a scene they’d want to run, they’ll get

Search lets you search for merits, flaws, disciplines, and systems by name.

Note that all of the commands listed below are subcommands of mail. This means all of them will require before them to function.


At this time, only merits/flaws are searchable.

  • Default Command: merit or flaw
  • Alternate Name: None
  • Parameters Name

Merit/Flaw ( merit OR flaw) pulls information directly from our merits and flaws directory. The description, type, availability, learnabiltiy, and source are all display.


Below are a collection of functions that Caine has, but aren’t explicitly commands themselves.

Sheet Submission

To submit a character sheet, the google drive share link has to be DM’d to Caine directly. Nothing else is required for this to work. You should receive a confirmation message if it went through.

Weekly Experience

All active characters (characters who had been played at least once during a scene) are given 2 experience every Sunday at 23:45 UTC. Characters must have a profile to earn experience this way.

Emoji Reactions

React to a message with 💾 (a floppy disk) to save it in the #quote-book. Currently, this only works on messages sent by actual users, not proxies (tuppers).
