Server Rules
Mature Content
While it is not a rule, we recommend that all players are 18+ due to mature subject matters such as (but not limited to): sexual violence, political extremism, physical violence and gore, mind control, torture, abuse, imprisonment and kidnapping, racism, sexism, and homophobia.
Be polite and courteous to others. This includes avoiding generally hostile/aggressive behavior; abuse or harassment of other members; threats or derogatory statements; OOC calls to excessive violence towards other players; and prejudice or hate speech.
If you have something to say to someone, take it to DMs and leave it out of public channels. This includes but isn't limited to leaking DMs without permission, discussing moderation action in public channels, and so on.
Using English primarily. This is an English-based server, so English is the primary language we all communicate in. Refrain from communicating in other languages outside of short phrases and thematic text in your RP posts.
No advertising of other discord servers. Other forms of advertisement must be approved with administration before posting.
Roleplay Rules
Roleplay Smart
No godmodding, metagaming, powergaming. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, please familiarize yourself with them before roleplaying!
No Erotic Content
There is a zero tolerance policy for any ERP/Erotic Roleplay within the server. Whenever a scene begins to head in that direction, it must fade to black.
Player Agency Protection
A player must receive consent from another to use disciplines against, ghoul, embrace, bond, or kill their PC. In addition, when rolling a contested check, willpower is not permitted.
Character Limit
You are allowed to have as many characters as you can handle. Having more than one of your characters in the same scene is allowed, but using them to gain advantages (teaching yourself a Discipline, gaining a combat advantage, learning meta information) is not.
20th Anniversary Edition
Only material from the approved resources list will be allowed. Resources from previous editions, other oWoD books (including Dark Ages), and custom material is not allowed.
Third Person
All posts should be made in third person.
House Rules
Character Creation
For each year spent as a vampire, a point of experience is awarded up until 100 years. A character is able to be a maximum of 500 years old with 100 bonus experience, although this extreme is not recommended. New players have restrictions found in the New Player Walkthrough.
Drive and Computers
All characters start with the first dot in Drive and Computers at no cost. You may remove these dots if you feel they are not appropriate for your character.
Five-dot Traits
The fifth dot of any trait must be purchased with experience. The only exception to this rule is Appearance, as it is not entirely learned and/or trained.
Path of Enlightenment
In order to take a Path of Enlightenment, you must spend 3 freebies and write a paragraph justification as to how they were able to withstand converting and why they did so. This justification can be apart of your character's history.
Sect Alignment
The only available sects are Camarilla, Anarch, and Independent. Sabbat-Aligned Lasombra and Tzimisce are banned, as well as any other loyal Antitribu or Sabbat-loyal bloodlines. Characters still aligning with the Sabbat regardless of this rule will be removed from play.
Tremere are assumed to be aligned with House Carna unless it is specified that they are loyal to House Tremere.
Willpower Restriction
The maximum willpower allowed for a player character is 8. Any characters submitted with a value over 8 will be asked to lower it before approval.
Alternative Botch Rules
Any negative result on a roll is considered a botch. If you spend willpower, it'll always be 1 success, negative or not.
Arms of the Abyss
Tentacles now have their own statistics, rather than relying on the user's obtenebration rating, and deal bashing + 1 instead of lethal when constricting. Specifics can be read about here.
Flaw Removal
Characters who work through flaws can eventually buy them off with experience for twice the freebie point bonus.
Frenzy Bonus
All vampires in frenzy add their generation dots to all physical (strength, dexterity, and stamina) rolls.
Ghoul Embraces
If embraced during play, any disciplines had are kept, though only the disciplines their clan has will be considered in-clan. Missing attribute and ability points are not applied.
Learning Rituals
To learn rituals, you must work towards learning it in-character. This process may last several weeks, even months, as determined by a Storyteller. You must spend XP equivalent to 3x the Ritual Level in order to learn it. In order for time to be counted, a post must be made at least once every five days demonstrating the player character is studying and practicing the Ritual. This may only be done one at a time.
Torpor Length
As long as the torpor is not voluntary, a Vampire can be woken up by being fed a point of blood, even if the torpor was induced by damage.